
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer playlist

There's something about summer time that makes me want to roll my windows down and my music up. So one writing prompt from Mama Kat came as an easy pick. Create a summer playlist. Um hello? It's like the Writing Prompt Gods leaned down in Mama Kat's ear and told her exactly what to put on her list for me.

Beachin by Jake Owen
Tennis Court by Lorde
Fancy by Iggy Azalea
Pontoon by Little Big Town
Happy by Pharell Williams
Come and Get It by Selena Gomez
Who You Are by Jessie J
Somewhere With You by Kenny Chesney
Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams
Schools Out by Alice Cooper
Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
Thunderstruck by ACDC
Cruise by Florida Georgia Line
Bottoms Up by Brantley Gilbert
Take Me Home by Cash Cash
Cry by Bingo Players
Summer by Calvin Harris

Though I could add a thousand more to this list, which I'm probably forgetting some favorites, these are definitely great songs to get you through the summer. What's on your iPod?

xoxo Haley


  1. Love your list - a wide variety of music represented there! I've discovered Amazon Prime Playlists and there are some great ones in there - including one with summer hits.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely have to look at amazon.

    2. Thanks for stopping by! I love Pontoon and Somewhere With You!

    3. @rachel yes! I do too I feel like Pontoon could be on a summer anthems playlist!

  2. Great list - I'd add Aint it Fun by Paramour.

    1. Thank you! I'll have to look into that song. I use to be a huge fan of Paramore but I don't follow music near as close as when I was a teenager. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Many of these would also be on my playlist. But, being the age that I am, I'd have some beach music from the Temptations, the Drifters.... Thanks for visiting my blog today!

    1. Agreed, papa was a rolling stone definitely should've made this list along with my girl. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Love your playlist! A mix of just about everything! I'm a music lover too and so if I had to create my playlist, I might still be posting my blog post 'till now, seeing that I love too many songs, haha....

    Thanks for the visit!

    1. Oh there's a whole slew that could've been added but I didn't want to be long winded lol. Thanks for stopping by in return!

  5. This is the biggest variety of music ever...I need a radio station like this, where I'm not committed to JUST one type of music.

    1. I am right there with you. My taste in music is about like my's all over the place.

  6. Great list!!! I have the same taste...not really any specific taste at all!!!! Pontoon is such a great summer song!
